Coquette- That’s a Wrap!

Now that the weather is definitely more fall-like, I found myself in need of something warmer to wear but of course, I wanted something fun and chic. I stopped in Coquette {on Seventh St.} to check out what they had for the season and was pleasantly surprised! Take a look at the pictures below and drop into Coquette if you need a new piece to wrap yourself up in this fall. 

 This vest has an urban vibe to it. Loving the faux fur around the hood. Wear this when you want to channel some NYC into your day. 

Chic, fun and sophisticated. Like how they’ve paired it with a bright, chunky necklace.  

 A cozy, warm wrap. I’d like wrapping myself in this for day or night. 

 Totally fun and hip, this vest is very in right now. Love the texture. 

This can be dressed up or down. Casual with jeans and flats or dressy with a skirt and boots. 

Right on trend and super cool, yet not overdone. 

Coquette has lots of options for wrapping yourself in warmth this fall while still looking cool and trendy. So grab a PSL and get shopping- before they’re all gone!

Thanks for reading Please follow this blog and like us on Facebook and Instagram. 

Style on Seventh

As summer weather turns into sweata weatha, I’ve been seeing a lot of great fall fashion around town. I spotted Shannon walking on Seventh St. and thought she looked adorably comfy and casual but very stylish at the same time. I did a little style stalking and asked her what she was wearing.

1. Leggings- LuLuLemon
2. Tee Shirt- Junkfood {in stores and online}
3. Jacket- Artisia {Soho}
4. Scarf- Artisia {Soho}
5. Button-down shirt- Madewell
6. Boots- Frye 

Stay tuned and stay fashionable Insiders! You could be the next fashionista featured on Style on Seventh. Thank you to Shannon and thank you for reading Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  

Style on Seventh

With all of the great boutiques and fashionistas in Garden City, we would be remiss if we didn’t include fashion as a regular part of this site. When I walk about town, I always see plenty of well dressed women (and men too!) who deserve a little kudos for their style efforts. Since there’s an abundance of style right here at our fingertips, Inside Garden City will be tracking down the most fashionable of the fashionites walking around Seventh Street (and beyond)… which brings me to a famous quote from the wise Carrie Bradshaw: “I like my money right where I can see it… hanging in my closet.”

This week, we started off by style stalking Lisa, our first fashionista. Here’s what we learned: 

1. Pants: Coquette
2. Top: Coquette
3. Bandeau: Coquette
4. Bag: Coquette (love the stud detail)
5. Earrings: Coquette
6. Bracelets: Coquette

We couldn’t have planned this better if we tried. Turns out, all of Lisa’s fashion items were recently purchased at Coquette, a cute Seventh Street boutique. So if you’d like to pick up anything that’s featured here, head to Coquette while they’re still in stock. 

Stay tuned and stay fashionable Insiders! You may be the next fashion subject featured on Style on Seventh. Thanks for reading Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.